Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Welcome to the blog for all things sustainable in Delaware! We're glad you're here and that you're interested in living a more simple, sustainable life in the First State. As our web site grows this blog will be used to shed light on different items and ideas related to sustainability. Some will be general, like how to reduce your dependency on utilities, and some will be more specific, like the latest on renewable energy tax incentives for Delawareans. We hope to keep you engaged and wanting to visit our site regularly to see what's new. Please also visit our forums to read and post comments about the different topics featured. And as always, please contact us with any feedback related to this site. It's imperative that we're aware of areas that need improvement, or that are great just the way they are. We sincerely hope you enjoy your visit at and that you'll use the information learned here to enrich your life and the lives of others!