Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Breakwater Trail Connects Lewes & Rehoboth

To some this may be old news, but I just recently heard about the completion of the Breakwater rail trail that now connects the quaint, seaside town of Lewes to Rehoboth Beach.

It seems that many of the students working in Rehoboth for the summer who live in Lewes have been riding their bikes down Route 1 to get to work. Given how busy that stretch of road gets during peak season, it's not a surprise that many students have been hit by cars, and some have even been killed. This new trail now provides safe passage between the two towns for people who make that daily trek, or simply a quiet, scenic alternative to motorized transportation for those who want to visit one town or the other for the afternoon.

So next time you're staying at Hotel Rodney or The Inn at Canal Square in Lewes, think twice before hopping in your car when you want to hang out in Rehoboth. Rent a bike (or bring your own) and enjoy the new trail (and the fresh air)! Visit the Cape Gazzette's site for the whole story.

1 comment:

Susan P said...

I just stumbled across you blog today. I am an ecobroker in Lewes/Rehoboth (I think the only one in the state). One of my goals is to bring availability of green and green remoldeling homes to the Lower Delaware area. I am also part of a larger network across the country who are working on establishing a larger awareness in the marketplace.
I am developing a Zero Energy home in downtown Lewes, that will ble4nd in with the historic homes.
Great to see your resource.
