Wouldn’t it be sweet if there was a credible organization out there that did the necessary legwork to figure out which national brands and companies were acting responsibly, whether financially, environmentally, or other, rather than us having to guess based on hearsay found on blogs and other “sources”?
Enter The Carrot Project. Created by some friends of ours here in Delaware, The Carrot Project aims to teach Americans to consume responsibly and with a purpose, rather than simply spending money based solely on price and convenience. It’s a very true statement that every dollar we spend is a vote. Whether we realize it or not, each day we’re voting for how we want our country to look in the future. If we think independent businesses are important and play a key role in the American economy, we’re spending our money at those businesses. If nothing is more important than a cheap price tag and convenience, we’re spending our days at Wal-Mart, Target, or any of the other countless mega-retailers that litter the American landscape, often not thinking of the consequences of our actions. This all needs to change if America is to endure the current financial storm. And The Carrot Project is here to help.
The Carrot Project is still in its infant stages, or “beta” as they like to call it. They’re working diligently to improve the site, but it is far from perfect and far from complete. It’s not yet a source of truly reliable information. That’s where you come in. In order for the project to reach its potential, the creators need to hear from you. They want you to register on the site, have a look around and offer your feedback on what they’ve built and make suggestions for future growth. So visit www.CarrotProject.com and get started! The sooner this site becomes an extensive and reliable resource, the better (for all of us). Seriously, it’s pretty awesome…check it out.