Well I guess you just never know what hair-brained scheme some people will dream up to further their own cause. This morning a friend of mine forward me a link to a story about a member of the United States House of Representatives from Connecticut, Rosa Delauro, who is trying to push The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 (HR 875) through. If she succeeds, it may mean the end of sustainable, locally-produced foods, farmers markets, farm stands, CSAs, and…the American farmer.
We would then be left with but one choice…to buy all our food from one of the handful of huge agribusinesses that could pass the standards implemented by the government. This is scary stuff. Seems as though our government is getting a bit too big for its britches if it thinks it can have this sort of control over our food supply. Anyway, click here to read the article that was sent to me. This is certainly something that we ALL need to sit up and pay attention to, and DO SOMETHING ABOUT. If we don't speak out, it's our loss (and that of our children). Please consider taking action in the form of a letter, phone call, etc to local representatives who can make a difference. If you have other ideas of things we can do to take action, please post it as a comment on this post. We need to help each other. Now.
In the photo above…Jim Mitchell. Farmer and owner of Woodside Farm Creamery in Hockessin.
Good Post. Below is the info to get a hold for Delaware's leaders in Washington.
Sen. Thomas R. Carper -202-224-2441
Sen. Edward E. Kaufman-202-224-5042
Rep. Michael Castle -202-224-5042
Keep up the good work.
helloooooooooo............. I am chilean, how are you?
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